Sunday, April 08, 2012

Time really flies, don't let the day flow by.

25 March 2012

Dear's 21st birthday was fruitfully spent. Together with his family and friends. I was so glad that the surprise was a success and Dear was really shocked by it. This shows that my efforts wasn't going to be waste. There are so many things in life whereby we will just miss it even if we see it. He is one thing that I would not want to miss in life and I really want treasure him and keep him close whenever I can. Knowing that he might be fragile sometimes. His heart is always so genuine and I love him. :D

This March

This holiday passed like a G6. It was so fast that school is starting next week. Have been working a lot, taking up lots of job opportunities and earning small, bit by bit. While as a Chinese sayings says:
Big things comes from little things you do. :D
So i am slowly building up the little things that I love and treasure in life, and I am sure that it is gonna be big next time. :D When money comes, money goes. So have been spending as well. So I would say that I've spent an awesome holiday, with almost everyday packed with things to do and few days rest. It was really a great one. :D

This April

Even though school is starting next week, there are events that are coming up which really excites me! :D My cousin's wedding is coming this June and I am very honored to be helping her out in her wedding video which is really nice and fun. I can't wait for the ideas to be finalised and we can start on our work as soon as possible! :D I am sure that it is going to turn out well and it is really a meaningful project to me.

Crafting is important to me. It is what makes me happy and relax. One way to make my day feel better and it really brings me to a peaceful land with pretty things. :D I love my life! With my love ones and my great friends. School is starting! Another marathon to run! :D Wish me LUCK! 

ALBL // 080910 - 11:12PM // LOVALY-LOVE

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